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News Brief

Sept. 6, 2019Maryville, MO |  By: Whitnee Ice

Annual Maryville Fly-in to be Sept 29th

A popular fall event is coming up later this month in Nodaway County. The Hawk Road Flyers organization is sponsoring the annual Maryville Fly-in on September 29th.

Hawk Road Flyers President Doug Medsker says it should be a fun day for area residents.

"We're going to have aircraft of course on display.  We're going to have a motorcycle show.  We're going to have a bbq lunch and some airplane rides and remote controlled aircraft displays.  They might be flying as well.  It's family fun.  There's snowcones that are free.  There's also going to be flight simulators for people to try out.  We encourage all the community to come out and join us."

Medsker says a majority of funds raised from the fly-in go toward their Young Eagles program. 

"This is one of our only fundraisers for our non-profit organization.  For example, this Sunday - the 8th - in the afternoon we're going to fly what's called Young Eagles which would be kids for their first ride in an airplane, as well as a little classroom work.  They will actually be hands-on in the airplane flying it."